Monday, 16 January 2012

Sabbath not a guilty Question Mark Anymore

At our church they have been talking about the sabbath.  This concept has confused me for my whole life.   I think I am finally getting it.  God wants us to participate in one day off a week because He loves us - not because he wants us to jump through his hoops and add another things to our list of "shoulds".  Its a matter of faith in God - that even if I take a day off the important stuff will still get done because God is able and I am not God.  It is such a relief to just take a day off to relax and learn more about God.  It feels like I am a dry patch of land and the Sabbath is like rain.  It feels so good!   I wonder how many people are sick in body or mind because they are not getting that break in their week?   I am not going to be one of them anymore - Im taking a Sabbath from now on.